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University Pathway Programs

EBAU/selectividad entry exam preparation programs

To access a University in Spain as an international student can be challenging. Your Spanish language skills might not yet be at the required level and/or you need to take a special entry exam to access the study of your choice. 

Our university pathway course will help you access a bachelor study at a university in Spain. Linguaschools will be your guide, giving both academic and administrative support along the way. First we help you get your Spanish study visa and NIE/TIE. Then we help you get your Spanish language skills to the desired level, get the highest grade possible for the required University entry exam and finally we help you to apply for the study and/or university of your choice. Read more how to access a university in Spain as an international student.

If you either want to use the maximum time to improve your Spanish and fully prepare yourself for the entry exam or if you want the most intensive course in the shortest time possible, we have a university access preparation course that will satisfy your needs.

The Spanish university pathway programs consist of:

General Spanish course
The intensive Spanish course is the general intensive 20 Spanish language course where you have 4 lessons per day, Monday to Friday, getting your Spanish language level up to the recommended level of minimum B1-B2 before starting the classes that help you to prepare for the University entry exam.

If your student visa aproval is delayed and you cannot get to Spain in time to start the program, you can switch to an online intensive course without any extra charge.

University entry exam preparation (EBAU/selectividad/PAU/PCE)
In order to access a bachelors studies at a university in Spain you need to take the national entry test called EBAU (also referred to as ‘PAU’, ‘PCE’ or ‘Selectividad’: terms explained here) every year in May. The exam results, together with the grades on your secondary school certificate, will determine the probability to access the study of your choice.

The requirements may vary per study and per university. Before starting the course to prepare you for the university entry exam, you will have a private interview with one of our tutors to design a personal study plan to help you achieve your personal goals. The actual exam fee is not included unless specifically stated. 

School cultural activity program
During the program you can join everything our local cultural activity program has to offer. This is a great way to not only experience the Spanish culture, but also to get to know other students. Many activities are free or have a small fee, depending on the activity or excursion.

In addition to the University Pathway Program, you can choose from a variety of accommodation options:  from host families to shared apartments. We ensure all accommodations are secure and provide an optimum learning environment.

Year Pathway

Level: All levels

This year-long program reduces the duration of the Spanish course and the EBAU/PCE preparation course. This means you will have to study more intensively outside the course hours.


Barcelona, Madrid and Granada
Duration: 12 months
Start: September
Price: € 5500
Course curriculum Barcelona (pdf)
Course curriculum Madrid (pdf) 
Course curriculum Granada (pdf) 

You start your University Pathway course with an intensive Spanish course of 4 months at Linguaschools. This will give you the minimum level to start with the EBAU/PCE preparation course.

After that you will take the full EBAU/PCE preparation program right up to the second exam in September. You will have the 4 compulsory subjects and 2 voluntary subjects (or more, if you would like) each morning, Monday to Friday. 

In June you will have time for the application for the university of your choice and after that you will continue with an intensive Spanish course at Linguaschools (total 80 hours), to fully prepare you for your first year at a Spanish university.

Duration: 12 months
Start: September
Price: € 5400
Course curriculum Valencia (pdf) 

The Spanish course will help you to achieve the right level to start the EBAU/PCE preparation course. Depending on your level of Spanish you either start in October with the EBAU/PCE preparation lessons or you continue with the Spanish lessons a little longer before starting EBAU/PCE preparation (not later than in January). 

During the EBAU/PCE preparation course you will have the 4 compulsory subjects in ‘physical’ classes while the voluntary additional 2 subjects may be taught in online modules. 

In June and July, the program includes the time to help you with the paperwork to apply to the University of your choice and you will receive specific preparation for your first year at a Spanish University.

Fast Track Pathway

Level: A1

The Fast Track Pathway Program is recommended for students who like to study intensively for a short period of time and/or who already have a good level of Spanish. Like the Year Pathway Program, the course duration is shorter, so the intensity is higher. 


Barcelona, Madrid and Granada
Duration: 8.5 months
Start: October
Price: € 4500
Course curriculum Barcelona (pdf) 
Course curriculum Granada (pdf) 
Course curriculum Madrid (pdf) 

You start with an intensive Spanish course of 3 months at Linguaschools. This will give you the minimum level to start with the EBAU/PCE preparation course. 

After that you will take the full EBAU/PCE preparation program right up to the exam in May. You will have the 4 compulsory subjects and 2 voluntary subjects (or more, if you would like) every morning, Monday to Friday. 

In June, we will help you with the paperwork to apply for the University of your choice.


Duration: 10 months
Start: October
Price: € 4750
Course curriculum Valencia (pdf) 

Depending on your level of Spanish you either start straight away with the EBAU/PCE preparation classes or you start with the Spanish classes and later continue with the EBAU/PCE preparation, not later than in January. 

During the EBAU/PCE preparation course you will have the 4 compulsory subjects in ‘physical’ classes while the voluntary additional 2 subjects may be taught in online modules. 

In June and July, we will help you with the paperwork to apply for the University of your choice, and you will have specific preparation for your first year at a Spanish university.


Do I need a visa to come to Spain?

Students from all European Union countries do not need a visa to study Spanish in Spain.

Students holding passports from various countries can stay in Spain for up to three months without a visa. This includes citizens of the USA, Canada, Brazil, Japan and Korea. If you plan to study for longer than three months then you should obtain a student visa (type D) before arrival into Spain.

Students from other countries should contact the nearest Spanish Embassy or Consulate to check the visa requirements. Linguaschools can provide an official Letter of Acceptance to support students needing a visa.

Find here the complete guide to obtaining a student visa for Spain.

What does it cost to get a Letter of Acceptance?

Before sending you a Letter of Acceptance we require payment for the full program, including course and accommodation. We provide the Letter of Acceptance free of cost. We can send you a digital copy by email, which in some cases might be sufficient. If you need the original copy by regular mail or express mail, we will only charge you the costs the mail service charges us.

What happens if my visa is denied?

You need to inform us as soon as possible by sending a copy of the official letter of denial by email. In some cases we might be able to appeal the decision and/or help you to get the visa. In case your visa is definitely rejected and you will have to cancel your reservation, you will get a full refund minus an administrative fee. Check our terms & conditions for more information.

What course should I choose if I need a long term study visa?

Are you sure you need a student visa? Then the minimum course intensity is 20 lessons per week. All course which have 20 lessons per week or more are eligible for the student visa, however, the most chosen course is the Intensive 20 Spanish course or one of the University Pathway Programs